Is there a doctor in the house? Luckily...yes! Wowbagger to the rescue.

Who: Wowbagger, et al.
Where: Parrot's
When: During Reversed Drunken Reverie
<SNIP>"Hmm..i wonder why he wants that, i mean, whats he going ot do?
Create a full grown adult male?"
Wowbagger thinks to himself as he, half-mindedly, rises and walks
toward the reverie, " A whole full grown male? The real coincidence
there is I was thinking of using the same things to make myself a few
midgets. I suppose he hasn't figured out just how much more
economical that is."
As he approaches the crowd, he is offered a snoot of Hyper-
Synaptic Snorkle Blooter by a lovely young lady in the throws of
reversing more than her hangover. "You know, I'm not usually one to,
ahh, forego a drink, especially not a free one, but I'm going to make
an exception this time. But if you are offering more than that, I'll
see you in a few moments. I need to take care of something."
Wowbagger walks up to Alota, looking drillingly over his specs, he
removes the drink from her astonished hand and pours ever so small an
amount on the bartop. It begins to sizzle and leaves a small burnt
"The pine lime mixed with the bitters creates fumeric acid in the
presence of catalytic open-strand DNA. Tasty and deadly. The only
thing worse would be to mix the lime in the coconut and drink it all
up. Luckily, the reverse virus will prevent any lasting damage
however, if we find a crewmember with immunity, we are going to find
him leaking onto the floor. I would be wary of a drink made by a
scutter and, I am curious of the programming. I am curious as to who
might be up to this and why. But, I'm more curious about that blonde
back there so I'm leaving this in your court, Captain."
Wowbagger retraces his steps, but the blonde is now a minor, (RATS,
too late) so he passes, still considering Severn. Why pick him? Is it
his brilliance Severn picked up on? His ability to skirt the rules?
His full set of Craftsman® tools? Or perhaps… Yes, he thought he was

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