Aint alcohol a bitch?

Where: Parrots
When: During celebrations
Who: Almost Everyone
Mk.6 was farntically racing up and down the bar, juggling the
glasses and bottles in an attempt to keep the ever-growing number of
patrons from an all out brawl.
Mk.6 was constantly having to use greater dilutions of the reverse
flu to make sure it would last.
"Mk.6," shouted Alotta, "Another round down this end!"
Now, few of the patrons t the bar were aware of this, but within
their bodies, or whatever else they may exist in, was an all out war
between their body's natural immune system and the reverse flu
virus. In the end, it was inevitable that the reverse flu would lose.
Mk.6 mixed another batch of drinks and passed them down to Alotta.
Unfortunately for her, there was very little reverse flu in her
drink and her body was winning the war hands down.
She passed out the drinks and downed her own.
All of a second she seemed to lose part of her equilibrium. She
became very chummy with everyone and she had no chance when the
disco music started up.
She slowly made her way to the dance floor, and started dancing in a
fasion that can only be described as being very embarrasing and
Efof walked up to the bar.
"Mk.6," he said, "What's come over Alotta?"
"I dunno, but it's times like these im glad I'm a scutter. All I get
is some serious droid rot."
"That sounds pretty bad."
"It's not half as bad as embarrasing myself like THAT!" said Mk.6,
gesturing towards Alotta doing the monkey very badly.
"I think you may have a point there."
"Ha. A man with his genitals on his head is talking about how
embarrasing other people are! I never thought I would see the day."
It was at this point that Jay, who had been sitting at the bar,
turned around, wondering what they were on about.
"What in the smeg?!" he said to himself.
He got up to ask Alotta what was going on, when he noticed something
that made his blood boil...
Several guys, noticing that Alotta was quite soused up, appeared to
be trying to take advantage of the situation and were aproaching her.
Jay was pretty sure that they didn't just want to talk.
He clenched his fist and started to move towards the crewmember
already chatting up Alotta.
<tag Jay, we may have a brawl on our hands>

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