Getting ready.

WWW: figure it out.
"Jack, Phil wants all of security ready to go A.S.A.P" Holly said,
appearing next to Jack, who instantly spring up and headed to the
security offices.
"Ok everyone! get moving!!" Jack yelled as he opened the door to the
security offices, a few grunts sat back on their chairs, feet up on
their desks.
Jack stepped in, and walked over to the office he'd stolen as his own,
seeing as no one else had bothered to do anything with it. He began to
get changed into his int-armour suit.
"Jack, there you are" cama a familiar female voice. Jack spun round,
half dressed. "hey love" he said, seeing Melissa at the door. "would
you close the door?" he asked, knowing there to be other people outside.
"Do you know whats going on?" Melissa asked, seeing all the security
guards running to positions throughout the ship, all fully kitted out.
"no, nothing unfortunately" he said, putting his jacket back on, the
JMC logo on the left shoulder showing bright against the pale blue
material of his jacket.
"i'll tell you as soon as i find something" he said, kissing her and
walking out of the offices, towards the weapons lockers.
"Mr. Lustbader, my good man." he began, Eric looked up from his
desk. "yes?" he asked, having been busy for the last ten minutes
getting guns for everyone.
"My rifle if you will" Jack asked, offering over his security badge,
giving him access to any weapons on the ship. "of course" he said,
scanning the badge, and handing Jacks electronically aided sniper rifle
over. "cheers" jack said, disappearing to his post at the cargo bays,
the large open spaces giving him an advantage. Here he waited for Phil
to reveal whats going on.

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