
Idwal Everrett Mining Engineer
Door Security Computer NPC
Mining Section Stores
The frantic preparations for the upcoming jump to star system ZX981 came down to Idwal's section of  the ship as a series of thumps, bumps and crashes as people raced around trying to do what should ahve been done earlier.  Idwal sighed no chance of a quite kip then!  So he headed off to see what the mining stores might hold.  As Idwal mooched down the corridor to the stores it became obvious that no one had been down here in an age.  Dust lay on every surface and he was aware of little scuttling things diving for cover as he approached.  Finally he came up to the door to the store.  NO ENTRY said a faded orange sign hanging from an equally faded red rope.  Idwal pulled them aside and made to push the door open.
"Can't you read?" A voice snapped.  Idwal looked around but couldn't see anyone.  He turned to the door again
"Oi!" said the voice "Who says you can come in here?"  Idwal realised he was being spoken to by the door security system.
"Hi" said Idwal "Look I'm the new mining guy around here so I guess I have a right....."
"Have you got the clearance code?"
Idwal scowled "No! No one has bothered to give me one."
"Well you can't come in here without one!" said the voice " We've got lots of valuable kit in here we have."
"And when was the last time anyone used it?" Asked Idwal
There was a few minutes silence as the security system scanned its memeory banks.
"Ah!" it said after a few minutes the door was opened last on ships calendar 0954372."
"And in actual time how long is that actually?" asked Idwal
"Er ... "
"Come on you can tell me" coaxed Idwal
"Five years" said the voice
"Five years!" said Idwal "Well in that case the security code has lapsed.  You know perfectly well that mining regulations state door codes are to be changed every six weeks.  Have you been doing that?"
"Well I've been really busy you know!" retorted the voice "I had an inventory to do then the mainframe kept using up all my spare RAM.  Then the power went and I had to reconfigure...."
Have you changed the code?"
"Then" said Idwal "You are in breach of company standing orders.  I could have you disconnected for that."
"Tell you what I'll do" said the voice "I'll issue you a new code, you get in and we say no more about it.  Hows that?
"Fine" said Idwal.  A plastrip issued from a slit in the door
"That's your new code.  Don't loose it!"
Idwal read the figures, pocketed the strip and punched in the code.  The door shuddered open.
"My that was a little stiff!" said the voice "Now what can we do for you?"
"You can shut up for the next half hour is what you can do" said Idwal as he stepped into the barrel vaulted hold. "Wow!" he breathed because spread out in front of him was multitudenous collection of gear.  "This is going to be fun!" he muttered to himself as he began wandering up and down the aisles.

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