No, it\'s MY turn to drive!

Who: Jay, Phil, CK, Mk6, Seymour, Wowbagger, Harris (Oh, and 3
hymies on the back)
Where: The R.A.I.D.
When: take a guess
Harris turned to see a stinger flying towards him.
"GO!" he shouted, and as the R.A.I.D revved up, He dived over the
door, and
into the backseat, narrowly avoiding being hit by the stinger.
The R.A.I.D now looking very odd, with three hymies on the back,
sped off,
Seymour still unfortunately at the helm, out of range of
the `hostile
<end snip>
"Jesus smegging christ!" exclaimed Mk.6
"Yeah," said Phil "what are those things?"
"No, its not that," said Mk.6 sounding rather upset. "But why in the
smeg is Seymore still driving?! I'm much better. Those new bugs
should have aimed for him."
"Spin on it!" said Seymore, 'cool' personality in full swing.
"It was MY signature on the form, so its MINE!"
"You bloody twonk. That doesn't mean a pair of fetted dingoes
kidneys, you still can't drive!"
"Yeah, he does have a point you know." interjected Kochanski.
Everyone mumbled their agreences to eachother.
"Hey, back off," he said and grabbed Mk.6 by the neck. "I have a
loaded scutter here and i'm not afraid to use it!"
"OI! Get your paws off me fool!" he said and spun his head around to
bitch-slap Seymore.
The R.A.I.D. started to weave as Seymore did what could only be
described as an arm wrestle with Mk.6, and lost badly.
"Ok, Ok. I'll pull over and we can change places." said Seymore, his
poncey persona reappearing from the pain.
"Good," said Mk.6, "And turn that music up, I'm trying to
Mk.6 pulled a panel open and wired himself up to it, once again
feeling a surge of power.
"Oh, baby. Where have you been all my life?"
He revved it up and floored it. All except the three Hymanoptera
were flung backwards swearing.
"Maby Seymore driving wasn't so bad after all!" everyone said to
themselves, and all looked over at him at the same time.
He was sitting there making a "BBBBRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRrrrrr"
noise and moving his arms like he was holding a stearing wheel and
trying to look cool at the same time, totally oblivious to the fact
everyone was staring at him.
"Hmm, maby not." They once again all thought at once.
tag (Jay, any more orders from the Hymies?)

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