**Action** "The Quest!"

<OOC- finally found some time for an action!>
Who: Department heads
Where: Meeting Room
When: after the fighting died down
Captain Alota paced the room as the department heads bustled into
the room. To prevent Alota locking him out of the room this time,
Seymour climbed in through the ventillation duct and sat grinning
happily on a chair.
Jay walked into the room with a confident stride, two chest-height
Hymenoptera spiders followed him in. Alota glared at him. "This is
supposed to be a Blue Dwarf department meeting." she said.
Jay looked at her ignorently. "And?"
"And your friends aren't crewmembers, I'd like to keep this meeting
Jay gave her an uncaring wave of his hand. "Ah we're allies now,
anything we have to say can be said in front of our friends!"
Alota scowled. "I'd PREFER if they remained outside!"
"Or preferably off the ship!" Shouted up Seymour from the back, then
ducked down. Luckily the Hymenoptera couldnt understand him, but Jay
gave his a disgruntled glance.
"But darling..." started Jay, to his wife.
"Don't you darling me! As far as I know, we're not official allies
yet." She stared him out until Jay turned to the Hymenoptera and
telepathicaly told them to stay outside.
He closed the door and the meeting started.
"I have recieved disturbing news." Said Alota and brought up a
picture of a weapon on the projector screen. Everyone but Idwal
resisted making shadow puppets with the screen.
The projector showed a big weapon. "This was a stationery weapon
that Amber, John, Jack and Idwal discovered fairly nearby. It was
built especially to destroy the Hymenoptera's home planet, then to
guard the area while these new aliens move in and take over. Luckily
Amber, John, Jack and Idwal were able to destroy it, but they have
found evidence that a much larger weapon is being built somewhere to
also destroy the Earth."
There were shocked gasps around the room.
"But why would they want to destroy Earth?" Asked Seymour. "Jay
explained to me earlier that these new aliens were genetically
created by the Hymenoptera and put to work in mines, like slaves. So
now they're rebelling and want revenge. So why are they coming for
"Not important." Said Jay. "But we need to find this weapon and stop
them straight away!"
"That might be a problem..." Said Alota. "For one, we don''t know
where it is, and another... the aliens damaged our wormhole drive
earlier. It will take us months to search the area without it."
There were groans around the room.
"Well why don't we split up to search for it?" Suggested Amber. "If
the crew split up into small teams and take a Starbug each, we can
find it more easily."
Alota raised her eyebrow. "My plan exactly."
She looked around the room. "I want as many Starbugs and other
support craft prepped as possible, and who wants to team up and
Some people raised their hands. Seymour quickly asked "So what do we
get if we find it first?"
someone slapped him round the back of the head. "We're saving Earth
you idiot!"
<OOC- okay so I want as many people as possible to team up and get
their craft of choice ready, armed, and named and painted if you
want to!!>

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