Of all the ships you had to choose this one

Of all the ships you had to choose this one
Idwal Everett  Mining Engineer on a Quest
Bug      A stowaway bug
On board the RAPTOR
With a spine jarring jolt the souped up mining cruiser leapt from the cavernous exit bay on Blue Dwarf.  Idwal couldn't believe the power, even though he had overseen the tweaks that the grease monkeys had put into the ship.    He also liked the name that the monkeys has painted across the bows  RAPTOR  it said in bright green paint.  Idwal grinned all those bananas had been worth it!   He gunned the ship into a tight turn, looping around the Blue Dwarf vast bulk "Yeeha!" he yelled as the g forces generated pinned him deep into the pilots chair.
Having cleared the mother ship Idwal decided to try the weaponry out on the space debris that littered the space around the now dead death star.  He thumbed the firing buttons and grinned as neutron torpedoes, plasma bolts and good old fashioned lasers vapourised the scrap.
"Blue Dwarf we are good to go!" said Idwal finally and punched in a random co ordinates into the ships nav computer. 
Moments later the ship entered hyper space and Idwal's adventures had officially begun.
As he relaxed and watched the starfield spin around him Idwal suddenly became aware of an annoying rattle emanating from a the crew lockers. He wandered over and threw open the door.  To his complete amazement a juvenile Hymie bug rolled out and thrashed about in a welter of cleaning rags,spare overalls and wellies.
"Oh for goodness sake!" breathed an exasperated Idwal "What on earth?"
The bug finally free of the debris in the cupboard scuttled to the co pilots station and began examining the controls with obvious interest.
"Hey!" called Idwal "Get you sorry ass out of there!"
The bug took no notice and with a snort Idwal strode across the cabin and spun the chair round so that the bug was no longer facing the control console.
"You are not welcome here!" said Idwal sternly.  The bug merely waved its antenna at him.  Idwal could read nothing in the multiple facets of the eyes and was at a loss to know what to do.
"Of all the ships in all the galaxy you had go and to choose THIS one to stow away on!" he muttered.
He went over to the computer "Hey!" he demanded "How the hell do I communicate with a bug?"

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