RE: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] On BD

<P.S. Sorry about being so behind and not posting…Uni…medical
reasons …the usual>
<P.s.s Sorry if there are any wrong things in this post>
Nothing wrong with that at all!, Welcome back!
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of alotta5uk
Sent: 16 July 2005 23:21
Subject: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] On BD
Who: Alota
Where: Blue Dwarf
When: Just as the bugs were going
Alota was stood out on the observation deck in the big ship known as
the Blue Dwarf. She was there with all intents and purposes of
watching the bugs leave heading on search mission to find
information on this huge weapon. Her concern for her crew
especially for her husband was etched on her face, Jay had become a
changed man, and she first suspected a change when he argued back!
She shrugged slightly and leant against a railing her arms crossed
in front of her, whatever was wrong with her husband she'd beat it
out of him with a baseball bat and take it out on the creatures who
had decided the sun shined out of his arse.
Three Starbugs shot out of view in serious `how fast can these
things go' mode, looking at her watch she mentally tallied the time
that they left and opted to contact them in a few moments to get a
solid who's on what and where is everyone. She just hoped that
Seymour had gone,
"Royal ambassador my foot", the captain muttered "That man would
stuff a candle up his arse and say he was lighting the way
for `Ambassadorial purposes".
Standing up the observation deck was left and the tall female
headed down the lift towards the drive room. Sitting down on her
big comfy command chair she looked out at the small skeleton crew
that she had been left with (when she had asked for volunteers she
hadn't expected most of the bloody crew to go). She pressed a shiny
button on her armrest that linked up the communication units to all
the out going bugs,
"This is Captain Chrysler, as soon as you have received any
information of any remote value contact me asap", she paused a
second "And Jay if your listening don't do anything stupid", she was
blissfully unaware that some of the Starbugs had indeed crashed and
that Jay was being a butt plug.
Turning the comm. Off she looked around at her crew again, looking
at navigation she notice something,
"You're a new face", she said standing up and walking over to the
seated person,
"I'm Jerome James" he said
<Tag anyone who wants to reply to com link…or Jerome?>
<P.S. Sorry about being so behind and not posting…Uni…medical
reasons …the usual>
<P.s.s Sorry if there are any wrong things in this post>
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