Who: Mk.7, Efof and a nasty looking robot thing
When: 10 minutes since legging it in last post
Where: beats me
The Blue Midget, christened 'Flying Circus', bounded across the
landscape. of course when i say bounded, it was more of a hop, skip
and a jump repeated with moments of twirling in mid air.
Efof was driving, and Mk.7 was standing on the roof, a bazookoid in
each hand, and both the mounted gattling bazookoids all blazing,
trying to deter the awfully beweaponed robot hastily approaching.
"AAAARRRGH. How ya like THAT eh?"
"Don't aggravate it!" called Efof, who then opened comms briefly and
flipped off whoever may have been watching, in the hopes that would
include the robot.
"Although there were 4 continuous streams of bazookoid fire coming
from the small scutter on the roof of the Flying Circus, it had done
little more than fog up the robots windshield.
"Screw it Efof, just pull up the legs and hit full throttle on the
engines!" yelled Mk.7
"Not yet"
"Why not?"
"We need appropriate music!"
Mk.7 shook his 'head' and climbed into the cockpit. He plugged
himself in and went to track 3 of 'A*%hole' by Gene Simmons
"Hit the retros..." Mk.7 said waiting for the crescendo to reach its
full height.
"NOW!!!" he yelled, and the Flying Circus did just that; flew.
"Um, Mk.7?"
"Why are we flying at the same height rather than ascending?"
"Um...a...well we cou..........crap"
"...and 'Um...a...well we cou..........crap' meaning?..."
"Well, when i rerouted power from the gyros to the engines, I forgot
that the gyros work in unison with the retros to raise us up and
"And in layman's terms, that means..."
"We are, as is termed in the technical profession, up Bog avenue
without a plunger"
"Well, there's only 1 thing to do"
There was a long pause....
The long pause continued...
The long pause was finally broken by Mk.7 and Efof looking at each
other, and erupted into air-guitar and dancing, oblivious to such
things as the oasis of naked beautiful co-eds and vast fields of
chocolate they were passing, constantly being pursued by the
horribly beweaponed robot.
<tag Dave>

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