[JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Old memories

<Snip>                                                                    Seymour rolled his eyes at the guards and dialed the palace. The Queen would be able to get him out, he just hoped she was in.<End Snip>
Callum watched franticly out of the cell towards the vidi-phone area. Things were looking bad. None of this was his fault, If it went to court he would be sure to blame everything on Niples. It was wierd, the last time CK Kochanski had been in prison was over 10 years ago yet he could remember it like yeasterday.....
He was 16 and was just leaving school. His sister Kristine had left school a few years earlier and hadn't gone through the transition well, She had fallen into a bad crowd of Punks and was getting into trouble. One night Callum had followed her out only to witness her and several friends steal a car and crash it. CK had known that if anyone found out that his big sis had been involved her application to the Space Core officer training program would be destroyed so he'd taken the rap for her.
Even now, years later the memories still hurt. Especially since Kristine was now missing presumed dead. Callum was suddenly awoken from his thoughts by a guard.
"Hey you!" The gaurd shouted, "Come with me".
"You and your friend are facing charges of imorting class A drugs, That means you BOTH have to Undergo 'FAP'".
"Whats 'FAP'?"
"FULL ANAL PROBING!" At this point there was only one word going through Callums head...... HELP!
<tag Onion>Can you solve the mystery of 'The Kitty Caper'?

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