Re: Uni

Have fun Bec! It'll take you a few weeks of solid partying before
you get settled in, so if you post any sooner - it means your not
having a good enough time!
small tip... its easier to make friends early on, so in the first
week do what I did, walk around your campus halls and offer people
It was actually for a bet, to prove that more people like bourbon
than didn't. Who could not like lovely bourbons?
P.S. Spread the good word of the Blue Dwarf too, especially to the
hot naive fresher girls!
--- In, "Becca" <cedrada@g...> wrote:
> I am going to uni.
> See you all next summer.
> Not really..... just until I get settled and stuff. I'll post
> as soon as I can and I will be watching so behave damnit!
> luv ya all.
> ~Becca~

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