The Truffle Pig

-Dalen Capital, Truffle Pig, Later Evening 2 DSTR-

The carriage stopped at the Truffle Pig, one of the finest of restaurants in the Capital. As they were led in, the head chef, a halfling woman of considerable years came out to meet them. “Randy, you old codger, what has you coming round my place, and with this on yer arm.” She gave a hug to Celest as well.

JoAnne was small, her hair was done up tight on her head and her face was wide. She was small, but seemed to fill a room, and her wide smile showed more teeth then one could think would fit in a mouth. She wore and apron and dress that made her look like a character of a halfling, something she did at the place to re-enforce that she had some of the people who knew food best.

“I will have one of the private tables set up for ya.” She said. “You need some food before you order, we can send up the starters, and a bottle of wine.” She clapped her hands and the staff went to work.

They were led up the stairs by her and to a private room with a table set low and pillows surrounding it, a traditional halfling style. A platter of cut cured meats and other starter foods was brought in with a bottle of wine and two glasses. “Just the house special tonight, please.” He said to JoAnne as she left.

He started to open the wine. “You never answered my questions.” He said looking across the table at her.

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