Acting Debut

Gularzob ignored Artem's further comment about the price of his helpfulness, having already had enough of his pessimistic view of others. Moving into the city and through the wall, he glanced back over his shoulder as they began to speak. Furrowing his eyebrows, he stepped behind them and pushed them hurriedly towards an alley between two buildings. Seeing a woman sleeping in rags several yards away, Gularzob turned back to the pair quickly as Winifred finished speak in in her high pitched voice.

Raising a large hand, he placed it close to her facw before speaking, "Stop. Silence. Listen to me." Looking around to make sure the woman hadn't stirred and that there was no one closing in to overhear them, he spoke in a hushed voice, "Listen up, alright? If you were to try to go through this city as yourselves, the guards would harass you every step of the way. You look like foreigners, so nothing would be given to you without a steep price, either gold or blood. Now, just come with me and stop bringing attention to us."

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