A Cause for Concern

"Your offer is most generous, but what do you want from me in return?"

Ceriden took a deep breath. Gareth was a surprisingly cautious, which really wasn't a bad thing, although it was making his job pitch harder. All was going to come to light eventually anyway, though, so he might as well lay it all in the open.

Ceriden telepathically replied, "I need help killing people. Bad people. Bandits, slavers, and the like. I'm fairly confident in my fighting capabilities, but I feel I stand a better chance at survival if I have a formidable partner like yourself."

Ceriden was about to try to explain himself further when Sabina brought her horse to a stop. "I'm sorry, but can't we take break now? I need to talk to you about our plan."

Ceriden frowned. This could be bad. He mentally directed his wraith to come closer as he stopped. "I suppose we are safe for now. Okay, what about our plan concerns you?"

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