Gratitude and visitors

Celestia let her soft lips meet with the opening, her hands still slightly shaking. The rush of water down into her mouth, causing a relief of some kind, made her groan softly with pleasure. Amongst the excitement and shaky hands, a few drips of water had slipped down her chin, slowly making its way down her throat, outlining the slope of her collarbone, and continuing its path down the center of her chests, out of sight. The remains of this trail glistened slightly from the fires glow. Feeling the warmth of his hand leave hers, she opened her eyes and took weight of the water skin. Pulling it away from her lips, her hand met them with satisfaction to wipe away the remains.

The breathing that allowed air to circulate through her body was relaxing; taking one deep breath, the inhale pushing her breasts against the fabric, and one exhale, her body caving slightly at he pleasure oxygen could provide. There is something a fire provides in conversation that would otherwise possibly make this encounter awkward. Fire does something to the air, adding a smell that for Celestia, is slightly arousing. Being near fire makes her body heat, and her bones ache in a most pleasurable way.

Delighted at the chance to get so close to the flames, she took the slice and looked to meet his eyes. "Thank you." Her voice contained new found confidence and clarity. It was a delicate sound that continued to hold in the air, as though someone could reach up and grab the very words from her lips. Pulling small pieces from the bread and popping them in her mouth, she followed his gaze to the tent.

In attempt to begin a conversation, her eyes looked to meet his again. The purity in her gold pools would make some men think of greed, as if they could gouge her eyes out and make profit. It made others turn away in discomfort; not very often could someone say they have seen eyes like hers. They were such a color, that only certain reflected colors from the flames would appear. "You didn't have to do any of this, I am truly grateful." She was interested in what his reaction to getting a full look at them, and her, would be. Placing the 1/4th piece of remaining bread in her canopied lap, her fingers combed through the red locks. Pulling it back and circling a joined piece in her hand, she pulled the large hair stick from her bag and placed it through the side of the bun- providing stability. One end of the stick entirely too dull to damage, but the other having a point that could slice or penetrate easily.

Aliquem in jejuniis multis. The intrusion that the deep, growling voice made caused her to grunt and shift in her seat. Without the voice though, she wouldn't know they had a guest. She wouldn't know that the guest was no harm to her per say, but simply a visitor with similar desires. She knew all of this because the voice was not rushed, not eager, just as is. Celestia certainly welcomed the visitor. She isn't so sure the man and woman would agree.

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