Know Thyself

“Obedience?” He says and laughs. “Do you speak of a wife or a slave?”

“You think I would demand my wife be some woman who cows to me and follows my words like law?” The laugh continues. “Hardly, my wife has her own mind and her own body, and she has her own will. My wife would be a match for me in every way, and my better in most.” He pokes at the fire again, stirring it. “Oaths are not about enslavement. They are easily broken; they only have weight and power over those who have honor enough to keep them.” He looked at Layfaette and arched a brow.

“If you ask me if I would be with a woman who had an oath to another, I would say no. This is my choice.” He puts the stick down and adds another log to the fire. “What you do with whom you do it with is yours. Do not think my opinion of what you do should matter, it should not, only what you think of it.”

He sat back and drew in a deep breath. “You should get some sleep.”

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