
---- Border Forest Near Jocelynn's Inn, Early Morning, 1 DSTR ----

Completely engrossed by is meal Gareth was oblivious to his surroundings and didn’t notice the strangers approaching before one of them shouted out "Hey, you there. We heard a loud noise coming from around here. Was that you or...what in the gods names?". Surprised by this unexpected visitor and when making sure the pig was dead, Gareth quickly jumped to his feet and looked at the man. As their eyes meet he could clearly see the horror in the mans eyes. However, this look soon changed into a way more defensive, even aggressive expression, and before Gareth could manage to find the words the much larger male charged at him. In another situation Gareth would probably just have fled, but it was like something primeval prompted him to stand his ground. He simply wasn’t going to let this soldier chase him away from his meal.

With a few unnaturally quick steps he was standing in front of the man and with one hand grabbed him around the wrist of the hand that was holding onto the sword. Without any further hesitation he pushed the man back while at the same time burrowing his fangs into his neck. Even though Gareth had just drained the pig of blood he had absolutely no problem drinking more. Furthermore, human blood simply just tasted much better and he greedily gulped it down at a fast pace. He closed his eyes to fully enjoy the taste and the feeling of the fresh blood running down his throat and warming him from the inside, completely blocking any feelings of compassion.

< Prev : A simple meal Next > : Sheppard's Pie.