OOC - 7 Days Later...The Endeavor that was

Ladies and Gentlemen, all of the Endeavor contestants would like to thank you for your support and well wishes during the mammoth event that took place on this site over the past several months. Last Sunday saw the end of the Simming Endeavor an amazing cross between a Simm and Game Show, with 13 contestants being whittled down to one mighty winner and a rather handsome and lovable runner up. Yes! I came second.


What? You say you missed this epic event? Well never fear you can read the entire game on the OW site here. We are currently debating what to do with the existing game and may open it up as a live moderated game for all to play. Watch this space!!

Fellow OW writers this is the last time I will darken your doors with tales of the Endeavor so let me leave you with a final request. Charles Star the maker and games master of this event did an amazing job of bringing together writers from across the inter-web and then herding them like a crowd of drug addled felines into a successful Simm and Game Show which was a joy to take part in.

All he asks for in return is that we raise the profile of this event by reading and commenting on the Blog article here!

Just read and leave a comment!

Or just leave a comment!

Or better still share the link and read and leave a comment!

Or leave a comment and share the link!!

Any of the above is fine!!!!!

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