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Character Dim

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Dim woke up on a beach

Dim woke up on a beach. He didn't remember falling asleep on a beach? Wasn't he just enjoying his fire? He snorted, and some sand went up his nose. That made him sneeze violently three times and immediately woke him up all the way.

Right! The hole in the air! He'd jumped in to get his fire back! He looked up, and there was a cozy little fire on the sand right in front of him. He smiled contentedly. There was his fire. Excellent. He knew everything would work out by jumping through an unknown spontaneously opened hole in midair.

There was a hooded figure sitting by the fire. And a whole bunch more a little ways beyond it, but those didn't really matter. Dim got to his knees, looked at the hooded figure with shrewd suspicion, opened his mouth and bellowed: "DID YOU TRY TO STEAL MY FIRE?!"

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