Your wrong

Serenity looked at him. “ I don’t fear you because you were sith I fear you because I know what the inquisitors do. My first master was killed by one” she said quietly as they entered his ship. She took a seat as he told her. The cold air helped she did not drink however setting the canteen down on a nearby table. She closed her eyes and reached out to the force. Though he had tryed to hide it she had picked up on his fealing of guilt.

She opened her eyes. The bright green eyes seamed more intense as she stared at him. Here thoughts calmed and her presence in the force a brilliant light suddenly that anyone could track. “ I’m serenity, and you feel extremely guilty about something” she said.

Her attention was locked on him now like a tractor beam. “ I understand that an inquisitor came to the forest home of master paren and I about two years ago. My masters insisted I hide he would not allow me to fight with him. I watched my master die theta day. Then spent the next two years running” she said. She dropped her gaze to the flore and her mind once again decided into chaos. “ it’s my falt if I had been stronger Maby I could have helped him.” She said after a few moments.

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