Anger A Girl, Get Cut

Ears lifting at the noise she heard outside, Ghost rushed the door and literally tossed Carla at the troopers on her way. "Have at them!" She called to the screaming bird that landed upon a poor shocked trooper's face. Continuing out the door, she pulled both light sabers from her hips and jumped upon the second group of troopers with a laugh.

Stabbing into ones chest with her pink saber, a smile crosses her face that does not reach her eye. "Hi, hold this for me?" She giggles and spins away to slice with the blue light saber in order to cut off another's arms. In doing so, her left arm pops off and jerks itself to the side in order to cut the man in half before dropping to the ground.

Carla soon rushes outside, hopping to avoid a stray deflected blaster bullet. Making her way to Mar and Serenity, spat acid in an arch to make a line along the sand in the hope that the soldiers would walk into it.

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