Flying limbs

Witnessing the older Male's protective nature toward the child, she knew he would not stop the trooper advancing from behind. Jumping on the troopers back with a scream, she stabbed into her blue light saber into his chest, pressing both feet upon his shoulders. Pulling up, she sliced the man in half and hopped back, landing in time to gleefully hack at more.

Carla, hissing, hops upon Serenity's head and spits at blaster bolts to defend her, all the while screeching at Ghost.

With frustration, Ghost attempts to use what little of The Force she can use to call her arm back. "Shut up, Carla! I know you made a mess inside, but we dont have that kind of money!" She screams just before her metal arm shoots at her, hitting her square in the face. Falling to her back with a yell and losing grip of the blue light saber, she groans as mud coats her backside. "Not a good day..." Distress lingered in her mind as she started to turn over, reaching for her free limb

The chicken continued to scream, clinging to the young girl's head.

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