
Quint had managed to gather a small stock pile of blasters from the dead. Then she went to the task of gathering items that might be useful. Normal things like coms, datapads, grenades, two thermal detonators, and creds. She kept the force up and alert for any incoming threats and he lightsaber empowered. She would have gathered some armor too, but that would have required her to use both hands.

She brought the items backed placing the smaller items in a bag and Serenity was assessing who the new attackers were from the new comer.

She looked at Red-1. "Red, I think that one it too grumpy. You should throw it back!" was what she said. She knew that Rowan would be on her about her shooting. Shooting from ships was easy. Shooting blasters by instinct was not, she needed learn to aim and use the sights or get droids and arm them.

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