Nebelhainan Weihnachten

Two years ago.

The winter season had begun only a few weeks prior, but that didn’t mean the cold hadn’t already reared its ugly head. Neblehain had been lucky enough to get the crops harvested and into the cellars, store houses and larders before the snap of cold could kill them.

Traditions were scatter shot in this tiny little town forgotten by all but those who lived there. The Fair Lady true was the religion most celebrated but even those who did some had reasons to be a grump on certain holidays. But Weihnachten was different, everyone seemed to come together. A celebration not only of the Holiday, and of The Fair Lady, but a celebration of another year lived, another harvest blessed, and allowed to grow. It really was something to celebrate.

Everyone one had their jobs, readying what they could for the feast, some cooking, some clearing away the snow, and some setting up the candles to give a jolly glow to the town. Tucked away in Ms. Tollhaus’ home the sweet grandma of the town and Milly worked to make wreaths for the townspeople. A nice decoration for the holiday. To tell Kras Krunkal where to go.

If the children had been good, and done all their chores, when they woke up tomorrow morning they would have received gifts in the night. By a tiny gnome who delivered gifts all over the world in one night Kras Krunkal. No one knew how he did it. It didn’t make sense, so many children to visit, he must be quick, which is quite impressive for someone so small.

The less jolly among the people of the world say things like ‘Your parents get you those gifts’ and ‘he’s not real’ but they are just grumps. Don’t believe them.

Inside his shop with a clink and a clatter, Brodie hammered out bobbles and bits to add shiny detail to the wreaths. And Aranei and Kris help move the few extra tables to the center of town. Setting the tables, not a more traditional feast wasn’t needed. The people brought what they had and those with a bit more brought what they could spare.

This was one of the few times in the year you could know with reliability that Silika would be present. She enjoyed the cold very much, and knew it made others happy to see her. Brodie and a few others had even made her a special chair so she’d have a nice place to sit.

The tables were set in a half moon around the old fountain in the center of the market and a cozy fire started for warmth during the festivities. Once the tables were set and the towns folk seated, Silika stepped in front of everyone. Her back to the warm fire.

“I would like to wish everyone a Glorious Winterfest.” she began. “Another year friends and family coming together to make such a wonderful little community work.” she smiled softly. “Now as tradition dictates before anyone can dig into the wonderful meal that everyone works so hard to prepare, we must thank The Fair Lady for our good fortunes and finding each other in our times of need.

“Blessed be the The Fair Lady, who brings balance to our world. Bless her for her trials and her victories. She judges not for your past, but what your deeds can bring to the future.
Please guide us to help The Balance and guide us in your light.” Sikika said, raising her arms at the last works as to cradle the moon in them overhead.

“And Blessed be The Mother.” The crowd finished.

Once Silika returned to her seat the festivities really kicked off. Food and drink was passed around the tables. Apple cider for the younger citizens and mead for the adults who wanted to loosen up. The party continued well into the night, and well beyond everyone’s limit of food. With full bellies everyone returned to their homes. To await the gifts that would arrive in the night.


The night was dark and the night was quite as the little gnome toddled into Nebelhain. Wearing clothes that would seem silly to most, carrying a stick nearly twice as tall as himself, and a large book under the other arm. A large rucksack on his back.

The first house he approached he waved his walking stick in front of and the door magically opened. Leaning the stick against the door he opened the book, reading the name one it. His grumpy looking face turned to a smile and he reached in his pack pulling out a doll, and placed it under the wreath.

This continued all over town, even the adults got gifts of useful nature. Aranei received a new undershirt, Milly a head scarf, Kris received leather treatment oil that he had needed, Brodie a new loupe, Ms. Tollhaus got a fancy rolling pin that cut the cookie shapes out for her.

By the morning all over the world children would awaken to the same thing the youngsters of Nebelhain would. Toys for being good and helping all year. And if you looked really hard, before the snow started to fall, you could see tiny gnome tracks.

Who knows if you were good to, maybe Kras Krunkle will bring you something too.

Merry Christmas.

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