Ring Base Reports

The Nimble Dragon remained stationed. Aegon had flicked a few switches, played a quick game of Dejarik, had a drink. He decided to take a look outside the ship, he was surprised when he found Niko and Inna sat below the carrier sharing a drink of Anelsana wine together. "You two are still here?"
"Well of course. Where else do we have to go?" Inna sighed. Aegon took a long look at Trantis, he looked disappointed. "Don't you have any hideouts?" Aegon asked curiously.
"Not anymore they are all gone now." Trantis sighed.
"I could always give you a lift off Denon, it's the least I can do. But I am going to be here for a day or two more, there will be a job soon, at a weapons facility."
"The Imperial Weapons Facility?" Inna asked enthusiastically.
"The very same. I assume you already knew that's what I was looking into Trantis?"
"Of course." Trantis nodded, he took another sip of Anelsana wine. Clang clang. Suddenly Niner was off the ship, standing directly behind Baron. "What did I tell you about leaving your post?"
"Apologies Baron but we are receiving a direct transmission from General Ristt." Aegon blinked and quickly followed Niner back onto the ship.

"Begin transmission," Aegon ordered directly. Niner stumbled over to the viewer and switched it on, the bright blue holographic manifestation of Ristt stood ready in front of Aegon. "Baron Aegon pleasure to meet you."
"Pleasure to meet you too General Ristt, General Dodonna has spoken very highly of you."
"He tries to hard to please me," Joux Ristt chuckled. A secondary holographic projection of the weapons facility appeared besides Ristt's projection. "This is the Imperial Weapons Facility on Denon. Thanks again for your hard work in receiving this information!"
"Pleasure is all mine General, it wasn't easy but I would die for this Alliance if the situation arose."
"That's good, we need more eager heroes like you. Anyhow the facility is where a new weapon is being developed, a weapon codenamed Enkindle. Dodonna's instructions are to destroy the production line of this weapon. Obviously a new weapon means a lot of security forces, we fortunately have Ulaan's cell to help us out."
"Ulaan... I've heard of her cell, they seem like good people."
"They are very good. Constantly keeping an eye on Denon's Imperial activity. Something does worry me though, I feel we will still be a little too underpowered during this operation. I feel we need more fighters!"
"General Ristt I think I might be able to help with that."
"Very good, keep me updated. Ring base out." Ristt's holographic projection fizzled out. Aegon raced outside again and stood over Niko and Inna. "You ever wanted to break into an Imperial Weapons Facility?"

To Be Continued...

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