The Treats Trick

River grinned and nodded to Serenity. "Maybe we won't rage quit this time." She joked with a giggle.


Kent glanced to Tam's hand, heat rushing to his face. "Yeah..." He murmured. "If I know my dad, he's got to be at work because he hates breaking his routine." A light chuckle followed his words. "Old man once broke one of my ribs because I ruined his routine."

Realizing what he just said, he grimaced. "Pretend you didn't hear that..."


Bonnie, having somehow made her way beneath the couch, poked her head out enough to hiss up at the bottle in Max's hand. She soon disappeared under the couch again.

Kevin sighed at the sound of Max's struggle. "Welcome to my world, man..." He muttered and got up to follow his friend. "Bonnie, if you don't take your medicine, I won't give you treats for a month!"

This got the possum's attention and she poked her head out again, a begging look on her innocent face.

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