It's Definitely "Daddy Loved Me A Little Too Much"

Tam smiled and nodded, "Good choice!" She ordered their food and found a table for them and for River and Serenity when they arrived. However she hoped they would take their time so she could spend more quality time with Kent. And then there was a long, awkward, and palpable silence as the two ate. And finally Tam couldn't hold it in.

"Kent?" She looked up at him. "I really like you. Like... a lot. I... I'd like to... well... I'd like to do this more with you. Preferably just us two... If you get what I mean?" She began to yammer and stutter as her face went beet red.


Max frowned and looked to Kevin when he heard and saw the blue-haired girl. "Uhm... has she been waiting here this whole time?" He began to wonder if he should be worried. It didn't help that in his experience girls with blue hair, or as he liked to call it: "daddy didn't love me enough/daddy loved me a little too much" blue, wasn't overly positive. "Did you want me to back you up?" He looked to Kevin with a hint of concern.

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