Rude Awakening

Tam had already been awake a half hour before River banged on the bedroom door. She had just been enjoying the silent moment of being in Kent's arms, listening to his breathing and feeling a sense of peace she never thought possible. And then it was shattered by an ornery photographer. She sighed and looked to the waking Kent and smiled. "Yeah, probably best to do that. And probably should go separately, don't need them getting more ideas about what we did last night." She leaned up and kissed him, a small smile curling her lips. "You were amazing, by the way. We're definitely doing that again."

She then went and found her clothes and put them on before heading out to see what breakfast River had made. "Morning, Serenity." She smiled at her then looked to River and shot her a more subdued smile. "River." It wasn't that she was mad at her for ruining her peaceful moment, and more of a playful, knowing, tease at River's expense.


Max sighed, "I could still send her a message. Come on, let's get you inside." Max could see the wheels turning in Kevin's head, and recalled how he'd mentioned the girl had said something about his scar. Oh his Achille's heel...

"Kevin... you gotta realize she knew the scar was the best way to throw you off guard, right?" He went and gave his friend a bottle of water. "She's clever, no doubt she'd know that you're self-conscious about it. That telling you she likes it is the key to manipulating you..." He sighed. "Kevin... I know you want a girl to like you... But it shouldn't matter if she likes the scar or likes you in spite of it... what matters is that she isn't a crazy, underage, cockicidal maniac." He went to pick up Bonnie and pet her gently as he spoke. "This is serious, Kevin. She's bad news."

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