The Rage Comes Out

Tam was quick to send Kent the address to the Clear Water Resort, heading there with Serenity and River she was quick to reach the front desk and demanded to see her mother. The rather terse receptionist called her mother's room and soon Tam was face to face with her mother for the first time in years.

"You look angry with me." was the first thing Renee said to her daughter. "I understand. I heard about what happened... what he did to you and Chris..."

"You left us!" Tam shouted. "You fucking bitch! You left me in the hands of that fucking bastard! He raped me! He hurt us both and you just ran and what? Got to live the life you wanted??? Fuck you! FUCK YOU FOR THINKING YOU COULD COME BACK AND JUST TAKE CHRIS!"


Max frowned as he listened to Kevin empty his stomach into the toilet then looked to Bonnie. "He never knew how to hold his booze..."

All the while wondering what Kevin was about to say before his stomach interfered.

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