
Kent frowned, but was polite enough to give his thanks to Serenity for her help. "I was worried they were going to actually send me to prison this time..." He muttered as he went to find River. The photographer was busy watching a simple comedy show while letting Chris sleep on the couch with her.

"Where's Tam?" The brunette asked her.

River looked to him, discomfort visible on her face, but she knew she could trust this boy at least. "She went to get some things." She said simply.

Kent did not believe her.


The man's frown deepened, but he said nothing as Tam went on her rant. "You done?" He asked through a growl and glanced toward the truck. "I have work in the morning, kid."

It was clear this man had little care for what this girl had to say.


Kevin frowned with worry, but nodded. "I'll let Bonnie sleep with you tonight. I have a feeling I'm going to be tossing and turning tonight. She bites when I do that." He explained before going to get said rest, thankful he did not have work the next day.

It took him a few hours to get to sleep, thoughts constantly on what had happened. Despite knowing Max had his back, he still feared what Layla could do other than what had already been done.

"Dad warned me about girls like her..." He groaned before finally getting to sleep.

As for Bonnie, she happily slept with Max.

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