No Way But Bonnie's Way

Tam smiled. "Good. It makes me feel at ease."

Chris sighed but nodded. "Okay, goodnight Winter"

Tam soon joined Kent in his bed and held him close. "Please tell me you're okay..." She finally said as the silence grew more and more deafening.


Max frowned at Kevin. "You're not a monster, Kevin! You just... you had a moment of weakness. She exploited that weakness. You... you couldn't help it... I know... I see you and how you go into yourself and think all those awful things about yourself. You never thought a girl would want you and then suddenly there's one that's making you feel wanted. Hell, it happened to me when I was in basic training. This other cadet I met, we hit it off, I was just beginning to realize my own sexuality when it happened and it just... it was like a dream come true. But he just wanted me for what I could give him, and then he left me feeling used and abandoned. I felt like shit for a long time. So trust me, I understand why this happened. You get lonely and you open yourself to thinking and doing stupid things."

Max then saw Bonnie cradling the mouse and sighed. "Oh please, Bonnie, no. Please..." He sighed, knowing that the possum would have her way anyway.

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