Argument With A Pinch Of "Oh Sh-"

River jolted at the screaming at around 4am and followed Serenity to Chris' room as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "What? What's going on?" She asked, noticing the boy's panic. "What happened?"

Kent jerked at the sound of the scream and shook Tam to wake her. "I think I heard your brother..." He groaned and started to get up.


Kevin just stared back at Bonnie. "I don't know...I mean, if I got her pregnant I'll obviously take responsibility, but...what if she says I raped her? What if things go straight to hell?" It was obvious the blond was hitting the panic button.


"Oh, come on, daddy!" Layla said with a wave of her hand at her father, Paul. "I'm on the pill and he enjoyed it!"

"That doesn't mean it was right, Layla! He's eleven years older than you!" Paul seethed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Do you have any idea what this could do to him? To you?!"

"I'm not gonna claim he raped me or anything. I wanted it." She replied with a pout. "Besides, mom was a teenager when you and her had me!"

"We were both sixteen, you brat!" Slamming his fist down on the kitchen table, he let out a heavy sigh. After a long day of work and having to run errands on top of cooking a dinner his daughter did not eat, Paul just wanted to get some sleep. Sadly, he had an out of control daughter who had unprotected sex with a man eleven years her senior and had the gall to brag about it.

"Well, I did it and you can't stop me from doing it again!" The blue haired girl hissed and set her hands upon her hips. "You know grounding me doesn't work, punishing me never stops me from leaving, and I'm stubborn!"

"And crazy..."

An angry look suddenly crossed her face. "I'm. Not. CRAZY!" She screamed.

"You basically raped him, Layla! That's pretty crazy to me!"

"He wanted it!"

"I doubt that..."

"Well, fuck you!"

"I am not getting into the argument about that night!"

"So you admit to remembering it?!"

"No! Just go to your fucking room!" A look akin to defeat was crossing Paul's face at this point as his daughter simply stomped off to her room. "I should have just sent her to her grandmother. She would have had this dealt with, but no. No, I had to be stupid and decide to raise her on my own." Laying his head on the table, he groaned. "God, what did I do to deserve this kind of punishment?"

That was when he looked to the window and noticed the bird with a sigh. "I am not blaming that poor man..."

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