Time To Get A Movin' Through This Train Wreck Called Life

River pat both Tam and Chris on the head before returning to bed.

Kent stared down at Chris and smiled calmly. "He's a good kid. I have a feeling he'll grow up to be a very good man someday, Tam." He explained. "Want to get some sleep? I have work tomorrow."

When River woke up she was quick to start cooking and prepping lunches for everyone. "I have to go meet Yazuhiko at the airport, so I won't be here most of the day. I've got to help him settle in so he can meet you at the skating rink next week, Serenity." She said with a smile.


Kevin sighed heavily and took the little mouse from Bonnie, holding it it up. "Did you hear Max? Do you understand?" He asked and the little mouse only squeaked in dismay and flailed for a long moment. With another, he held the little mouse in his palm and pet it until it calmed down. Looking to his friend, he shook his head. "I'm too tired for food. I just want to sleep...if I can sleep..." He whispered the last few words, a hand reaching up to touch his scar.

He would not get much sleep that night due to the stress and anxiety running through his head.

< Prev : Back to bed Next > : The Answer Is "Very."