Furry Courage

Tam looked to Kent with concern. How was he going to "handle them" if they did show up? He was still recovering from surgery... And these people were killers, she didn't want him in danger.

"Kent... This is scaring me. I don't want you or Chris in danger... if you really think they are that dangerous... we need to nip this in the bud sooner rather than later... and we need to do it together..."

She hoped Kent agreed with her.


Jonah was shopping for the basic essentials after getting his and Lisa's stuff unpacked at the house when he saw a familiar face. "River?" He said as he cautiously approached the goth girl, not wanting to startle her. "Guess this town's smaller than expected." Then he frowned with concern. "How... how're you doing?"


Max stared at the ornery possum and her mousy sidekick then sighed. "Fine... I'll call him..." And with that he pulled his phone out and dialed the phone number on the card. "Err... Hi... this is... erm... Well it's Max... you know... Serenity's tutor?" He was already feeling anxious. He didn't know what he was doing at the moment, his courage coming mainly from the two surly rodents who seemed to be silently cheering him on.

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