12: Ni-Bump-ght - Ayala and Dead Girl-Ayala

Ayala lay there for a moment, trying to analyze and understand the strange sensation that had woken her. The spirits here were as strange to her as everything else, but she knew better than to simply dismiss them.
After a few seconds she rose quietly from the floor and got dressed. Like the bed, the clothing they had told her to wear was still too uncomfortable for her to sleep in.
The softest thing she'd ever used for bedding had been animal hide, and that was a luxury only afforded to the young and very old. Hides had more practical uses, after all.
At least she'd have her furs to sleep in, if they ever gave them back to her. Until then she'd just have to make do with spreading her covers on the floor and sleeping in the nude.
As soon as she finishes pulling on her clothing she grabs her spear and walks over to the window, peering into the moonlit woods for any signs of a disturbance.
Without a word, she slips out.

OOC: If it doesn't seem too far down (just 1, maybe 2 floors up)she'll just drop to the ground. Otherwise she'll climb down part way if she can. If going out the window isn't a real option, she just 'slips out' the door.

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