16: Nightcrawler (Himself)

Kurt had never seen a “money card” as he saw it, the technology was gonna be interesting.
“Daniel, could you teach me I don’t want to…”
The uniform he thought was cool. “I look like Harry Potter,” he smiled.
“Okay then, let’s go see her. Take a hold of my hand… I know a quicker way, you may feel dizzy or sick.”
He teleported the two of them. “Ah hello mother, this is Daniel he’s my new friend and roommate! He wants to be a chef.”
Mrs Wagner smiled. “Oh how wonderful. Have you to eaten? I was about to sight see. America is such a beautiful country.”
Kurt smiled. “I have money to sightsee.”
She stared at the card. “They give money?”
He nodded. “I will work for it I promise.”
His mother smiled back. “Write a thank letter.”
Kurt nods. “Yes, mother, oh I’ll be right back.” He ran to the next room, his mother smiled again. “I thank you for making Kurt feel welcome, this is the first time he relaxed and you are truly a gift he’s a quizzical person. Please make sure he don’t get hurt.”

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