16: Nightcrawler (By Danny Adeniran)

He wasn’t sure about the Harry Potter reference, but he supposed posh private schools all did the uniform thing. The only thing he knew about Harry Potter was not to mention it around the Institute’s resident wiz… mage.
Danny’s skin could stop a bullet at point blank range, it would feel it but there would be no damage. But teleporting felt loads worse. And what was that god awful smell. He felt queasy after the teleport but the stench nearly felled him. He came within a micron of swearing. While he recovered he took in his surroundings, he was in one of the houses scattered round the island, allocated to staff and faculty.
He managed to get his act together by the time he was introduced to Kurt’s mom.
She was not blue.
The idea of eating did not appeal right now, when Mrs Wagner brought it up, but Danny had been raised to have manners.
“I was about to take Kurt to the refectory… dining hall,” he corrected remembering he had two people who weren’t English fluent.
“Kurt, there is no reason for you to write a thank you letter, or work. When a student starts they get a bursary grant… ah money, to buy whatever they might need. We all get a weekly allowance too.”
Kurt wandered off and Mrs Wagner spoke to Danny about her son.
“Please make sure he don’t get hurt.”
No pressure then.
“It’s a good school, Mrs Wagner, very mutant friendly. I have not been here long, but we look out for one another. And Kurt seems like a nice guy, he is going to fit right in.”

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