17: Too Cool for School (Jack Cooper)

Ever since losing his legs Jack Cooper had been determined to do two things, get back to driving and to stay fit. Three maybe, getting his teaching qualification. And he had done all three. He taught here at Xaviers usually as a TA but he ran some lessons, did pastoral care and went out on first contact. He drove most days and he also ran.
Now he was doing a circuit of the island after running a few laps with those on punishment, ahead he saw an unfamiliar face and went through the new arrivals.
Namor MacKenzie. Yeah that had to be him. Indications were his start had not gone well, maybe giving him Ryusaku as his roommate had not been the best move. That decision had come from Aunt Val though, apparently MacKenzie senior was a friend of hers from some time back. But it was early days yet for the guy and Jack had always preferred to form his own opinions.
He slowed a bit and trotted up to the youth. “Welcome to Xaviers Namor.” He came to a halt but the nature of his running blades meant that he could actually stand still and continually shifted his weight to maintain balance. “I’m Jack Cooper, I am faculty here, mostly acting as a TA and substitute teacher sometimes. I am also one of the pastoral team, so if you ever need anything I am one of the go to people. How are you finding it?”

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