12: Ni-Bump-ght - Part Two

Ayala scowled, glaring at Jenny and Caleb as she wondered more and more why everyone seemed so determined to separate her from what little she had left.
"Stick stay." She growled out eventually, then turned on her heel and headed to her room to drop it off. At least she had the blade. She could always make another shaft if she needed to, and she could use a knife as well as a spear or club.
She started to wonder if the beings here were trying to make her forget her home. Her life.
Her identity.
Somewhere in the back of her mind, she started to wonder if she could even trust them.
She started taking slow, deep breaths in an attempt to relax. No use jumping to conclusions. Wait and see.

By the time she got back to the gate she'd managed to calm down and relax a little. She clearly wasn't happy with the situation, but she managed to stop scowling at least.
"No stick. No furs." she says flatly.
"Is enough?"

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