16: Nightcrawler (Himself)

Kurt decided to order the typical American cuisine his burger looked great as he added his condiments “oh wonderful very good he requested a slushy enjoying the colors it came in”
Kurt took a bite as he melted into his chair “oh just as I imagine” looking up Kurt answered “I didn’t mean the asking about the books sometimes reading about the techniques and ask others about it gives me idea I never want to step down on toes of who helps me” taking a drink he smiled “oh that’s good..also my mother does not mind she um is happy to see me with others I don’t have to hide from very hard in country I teleported when I hit puberty other than that I was a demon or kid who refused to take off costume..my uncle real jerk I don’t want my mother to be near him or know where she is..she’s all I got and….” He stayed silent

Kurt began to eat his tail resting on his side tapping it unknowingly he wanted to try Yorkshire pudding taking his phone typing up the pudding. He carried a photo of his father “ Ich habe vergessen zu beten (I forgot to pray) “

He bowed his head “ Lieber Gott, danke für alles, dass du mir erlaubst zu atmen und mit anderen zu lernen, bitte pass auf meine Mutter und alle hier auf und lass meinen Vater wissen, dass ich ihn liebe und vermisse. Amen (Dear God, thank you for everything for allowing me to breathe and learn with others, please take care of my mother and everyone here and let my father know that I love and miss him. Amen)

He looks up seeing his pudding was there he took it and ate it looking up “I’d like to practice”

< Prev : 16: Nightcrawler (Jamie Braddock) Next > : 17: Namor McKenzie (Jack Cooper)