20: It's All in the Game (Jake Sorensen)

There was no way out of here for now, the jewel hidden in the friendship bracelet was dead, so Jake had no way of becoming visible.
Fucking faculty bastards.
This place was so boring, the highlight for the chimps was gathering round a TV and playing games. Jake liked games but he needed something more, something to do, needed to get off the island and get laid. Whilst some of the chimps were good looking, most were so tediously grovely that they had been brought to this comfy mutie prison that it made Jake want to vomit.
After sneaking out for a vape Jake wandered the halls of the mansion. Of course no one saw, heard or felt him pass because he preferred it that way.
The chimps were still gathered blasting pixels. He stood and watched for a bit, then he sat in a spare chair, while these Exterminators lived up to their name and ganked the crap out of another clan.
What a waste of fucking time, Jake felt no urge to get involved, he would have to get dressed for one thing and he could not be bothered.
The Welsh chimp was taking the piss out of Stevenson, these pricks were so elitist only because the guy had been a whore they looked down on him. That would have been another thing for them to look down on Jake too, if he ever told them about it. Which he would not be doing anytime soon.
Sad fuckers every one of them.
Jake could not be bothered to go down to the refectory to eat, a floating plate would be noticed and he would get another demerit for being nude. They didn’t get that Jake did not want to be seen, did not want the pointless interactions with these freaks.
Instead he went to the kitchen adjacent to the and made an instant coffee which he took to watch the TV in the other common room. Coffee on a side table he plonked himself down on the couch.
There was a film up. ‘Watch Again’ or ‘Back’ the screen proclaimed.
‘Lion in Winter’.
Lion. Winter. That had to be Chronicles of Narnia. Or the ‘Lying Bitch in the Wardrobe’ as he called it. He couldn’t remember if it was any good, too many electric shocks from Yuri’s henchmen had frazzled his memory ages ago.
ADMIN: As Ethan had posted a reply this post has been edited for and by the replacement invisible character Jake Sorensen. Ignore Jules' picture as that character no longer exists.

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