04.15: Dead Girl

“You will be free to go whenever you want to Dee,” Harry said, agreeing with her. The school would sell itself or it wouldn’t, they couldn’t force people to stay. But Harry thought Dee would be a good addition, to the faculty maybe, she had genuine drama experience and out in the field sometimes you had to be able to act.
“You might want to rethink the trusting ghosts thing. They are echoes of people nothing more, your personality doesn’t change because you died. Ghosts can be shitty too. And can you distinguish between a ghost and a revenant? I hope so because revenants are evil mother fu…” It was so hard not to swear. “A revenant feeds on ghosts... and people once they get strong enough. You get the idea.”
Harry was settling into driving mode now, it was relaxing to him.
“Yeah unicorns are real, and they are mean sons-of-bitches. Real mean. Vicious. They are like squirrels, tree rats with fluffy tails, don’t be fooled by the good PR. They would eat you as soon as look at you. Did you ever hear that myth about only virgins can see a unicorn? That’s because they are stealthy bastards and like sneaking up on people before they shish-kebob you. Apart from the pointiness they got squat in common with horses.”

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