04.16 Dead Girl

“I have met my fair share of ill tempered ghosts. I can influence them, it helps to alleviate their rougher edges. Though I tend to not stay long with them. I prefer ghosts like Ruby. She was nice to me. Never heard of a revenant. Wonder how my abilities work on them. Don’t be dissing squirrels I kept one as a pet. Mr. Fluffy Tail. Found him crying over his momma’s corpse. She was torn up pretty badly by something. I raised that little fella till he was murdered. I don’t believe that about unicorns. Maybe the ones you met or heard about had rabies or some magical equivalent. Mr. Snuggles my pet dog he was the nicest dog you ever met until he got rabies. I can’t remember how he died. All I know is one day he attacked me and then I am in the hospital the next day. I was home alone that day.”

She watched the world go by the window. At the first stoplight she sunk down in her seat. She didn’t like being stopped with just a piece of glass between her and some would be assailant. When they were on the move it was easy to ignore the normies. One stopped right beside her window. “Why is this red light so slow?” He got on his cell. She started to hyperventilate.

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