Down To Maru

JP with Lucian, Lorem, Bandorchu and Omni

To her dismay, Voah learned that they were close to a day's travel down to the fort known as Maru Caravanserai, probably sooner as traveling downhill was generally faster than climbing up. She thanked the Pillars for that, though the travel would still be slow going, her body was glad for an easier pace than the last few days uphill through dark tunnels.

Alexis informed her that Wim and Blackwolf were exploring a possible entrance in the fort and some prospector named Alcuin had joined the group and offered to help look for them, parting ways along with Hunter and Islana. It sounded a little strange but she didn't think much of it if the man had come from Ostiarium, he was not anyone she was looking for.

Their host, Tar, proved to be trustworthy enough and Voah would remember the help and kindness he showed to the strangers with whom he shared his camp. It was a bonus that she didn't have to worry about him being a creed member as his features didn't match any of the descriptions she was given. His words of warning did concern her and she wasn't looking forward to residual effects of overexposure to that mould. She really needed to take better care of herself.

Taking in the clear sky was a double edged sword, it was breathtaking, but did nothing for the headaches she had to squint through.

She couldn't help but say aloud, "By Kupen, I had almost forgotten such a blue existed."

Gonyaul had surprised Tar when they said their goodbyes. The young man, who had obviously taken a beating, thanked the explorer of the depths with a glow of appreciation for the opportunity to be of service, Tar’s part in helping find their friends, and the hospitality of his campsite. Gonyaul hoped the man would find everything he needed in the time to come. He even showed him how to say goodbye in Vauxian sign language.

He tried to be mindful of Tarmen and Voah on their descent. They were recovering from much more than Alexis and he, and he wanted to be of assistance to make the climb down as easy as possible for them. While working their way down, they noticed three riders off in the distance. Gonyaul initially thought it could be their friends also returning; however, that idea was dispelled when they turned and left.

Once at the bottom, the two horses that they had stationed were fortunately still there along with the extra feed. Gonyaul ran over to his horse and gave her a big hug around the neck. “Amu, miss you.”

Amu allowed the hug, showing less disinterested signs than usual. Perhaps Gonyaul had grown on her? Or perhaps she was just glad to see someone that would tend to her needs. Gonyaul laughed as he looked Amu in the eye. “I fight giant Naylmo. You like him. He throw me around many times.” He gave her a cliff notes version of the fight in sign language.

The sleep and food provided by Tar’s camp made Tarmen’s farewell a much kinder affair. He didn’t trust the man all the same and Alexis’s prior distaste for the man still rubbed him wrong.

He remained quiet along much of their trip, a part of him still lost in those cursed tunnels. He wasn’t sure if this melancholy was the signs of exposure Tar had warned about or just Vastad’s Sight trying to test him still. He banked on the Sight, having plenty of experience with it.

The open sky helped with it. Something felt new about it. By Zin had he really become so accustomed to the caves? The thought brought a morbid chuckle, conjuring thoughts of him becoming one of the mould folk, or Neph-Kin.

Each gust of wind eased these idle worries, as if they blew away the last bits of spores from his soul. Another chuckle escaped him at how religious he sounded to himself; praising the wind and sun like they were benevolent gods.

It was a good day though and seeing Barrel Boy charge towards what had to be his horse was comical enough for him.

Voah was careful not to spend too much time letting Kupen kiss her pale skin. Gonyaul allowed her to wear part of his garments as a sort of hood or scarf for part of the day, regardless, her face would still start to freckle by the day's end.

When they reached the horses, it made her think back on Litany and she hoped that someone in Aquilo was tending to her needs.

Something else was on her mind as she headed over to their leader, Alexis.

"I have no doubt you saw those three riders far off. What do make of them? It seems to me they were watching us and I fear there may be more to come."

“Theoretically, we are allowed to be here. But as we couldn’t help but notice on the way here, the Aghul’s reign might not be as absolute as they’d like to claim. They could be brigands.”

The mercenary looked into the direction they had ridden off towards.

“I don’t like it. Best we do not tarry.”

< Prev : A New Season Next > : In the fort