Bonds in between adversity

JP with Lucian, Winteroak and Lucian

Alexis raised an eyebrow and chuckled. Yeah, that was along the lines what she would have guessed.

A farmer capable of crafting dangerous explosives. Arcadia yet again demonstrated how deceiving appearances could be.

Seemed like Desdem - and Ekero’s homelands, if his craftiness was a common trait among his people - could bring some surprising defenses to the table, should Ostiarium be able to bring their conquering efforts this far.

There … was a strange feeling of budding disconnection to the ‘city of stones’ she became aware of thinking of the implications. She might have to mull that over later.

For now, she indulged her curiosity a little more and asked if whatever caused that ‘boom’ was something Ekero had discovered himself or brought with him from Hel’s Maw.

The farmer shook his head as Berus translated. "Just grew tired of the life of raiding and senseless killing." He said.
"What about you two? Why cross the seas to come here?" He asked back.

Alexis fingertips unconsciously glided over her dagger’s sheath on her belt.

“I had recently decided to part with the mercenary band I had been with. Don’t know if you have mercenaries here? Fighters for hire.”
She shortly explained.

“Not much keeping me in Helias after that. More or less came here looking for work.”

And didn’t that turn out splendidly. But still… if she could go back and do it all over, she would take that ship again.

Tarmen could almost laugh when Alexis explained her simple reasoning. Compared to her, he sounded like a child.
“At the time I thought I needed more excitement in my life. Figured I’d grown out of my boots at home and didn’t see what was waitin’ here for me. Still, got what I asked for and can’t complain.”
He ended on a light chuckle, bringing some humor to what he knew was one of his dumber moments.

The short farmer nodded and grunted as if agreeing that life took turns and led you to destinations that you were not necessarily expecting.

The sun was well pass its zenith. The sound of shouting and animals bleating nearby marked the time that some shepherds were returning home after spending a day in the fields.

You have developed a quick rapport with Ekero and knew it would be easy for you to secure the provisions you would need for your journey to the Holy City.

All you needed now was for the caravan to arrive.

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