New day

Timestamp: Morning - Ostiarium - Lowood

As 'The Hogue' makes its way out of the harbour the city rises to another winter day. The construction of the city walls accelerate and many citizens and conscripted into helping the project.

Islana - - Three young labourers are bullying an old beggar sitting by an alleyway. They kicked his begging bowl over and insult him. Vagrancy is not well tolerated in a small and new settlement like Ostiarium. With harsh winters and living in an hostile land, everyone needs to contribute and people tend to be less tolerant.

Wim - Eren's investment in your business is already paying divedends. In a few weeks the small brewery will be totally restored. It would have been faster if most labourers were not working in the construction of the city wall. As word spreads of who your new business partner is, you recover most of the money owed you, for a total of 2gp and 8s. As you walk by from the sawmill in your daily routine, a cart carrying various goods hits a bump. A crate wrapped in linens falls into a puddle as the cart keeps driving towards the docks.

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