Fosia Claims…

JP with Bandorchu, Lucian, Lorem and Omni

Alexis’ story was a lot for anyone to take in and Voah was no exception. Perhaps the most surprising part was that they had run into natives from Sentinel, but that was unrelated to the current topic.

The story raised so many questions. What was the true nature of the Gods? She hadn’t heard of Fosia or any mention of this so-called Ether or a world ending prophecy. Had the Pillars done something similar? Did they control the Ether to bestow boons on those they saw worthy? Did they kill or chain other gods as well?

“And this Fosia… just wants his Hammer back?”

The mercenary looked back at Voah.

“Fosia claims to have been tricked into taking part in the Twin Gods’ scheme. That he did not know their true intentions. And that he now wishes to make amends for that mistake. But yeah. Ultimately he will want his hammer back, I’m sure.”

“So gods want you to clean up gods mistakes for them?” He inquired of Alexis. Were they so incapable to do anything for themselves he wondered.

“Gods sound just like men.” Men being used as the universal word for humankind. He added for his own processing of their behaviors.

Alexis‘s lips twitched at Gonyaul’s inquiry.

“That’s one way to put it, I guess.”

There just weren’t enough pieces to see the full picture.

“We met a cult in the desert… the Temple of Muros, some kind of giant marine animal. It’s bones lay in the desert being cared for by the priests. They kept a record in stone of the history of Arcadia… I wonder if this history is anywhere on that wall… anyway, the reason I bring it up is because it was my understanding that the Twin Gods considered all other gods to be demons and either kill or cast them out. Wouldn’t the trinity want to be rid of Fosia if they are reformed? Or does Fosia plan to usurp them with this Ziarae’s help?“

She looked off into the cave as if searching for the answers.

Riding off of Gonyaul’s and Voah’s doubts, Tarmen threw in his own meager query.

“And is there any way to tell if we aren’t just being used by this God; bein’ fed lies?”

“I don’t know if it is that easy to kill a god. I mean Slivikhi is supposed to be gone, but lo and behold, his cult seems to be very much alive. And it is not like they didn’t try. They had their horde attack the Odonine an eternity ago, bringing them a crushing defeat, and have Fosia’s devotees turn to the Winter goddess Noraura instead. I think Fosia has been mostly powerless ever since.”

Alexis tried to answer her question.

“No. I don’t see a way to really know.”
She admitted to Tarmen, honest as ever.

“Maybe as long as one person believe in god, it no die.” Gonyaul interjected, but not in a way to detract from the main thread of the conversation. He remembered how much Voah talked about belief and faith in the Pillars. Perhaps that was their source of power, what they would do just about anything to secure?

Tarmen nodded both at her response and the added comparisons to Slivhiki that he had just made. Gonyaul’s comment wasn’t lost on him either, only adding more weight to what he said.

“Probably to late for caution at this point, but just as the old Boar, Fosia will probably try anythin’ to be heard. Doesn’t change that this seems to be our best bet.”

He passed his hand through his scruff, getting wrapped up in all of the loose ends forming.

“I agree.”
Alexis nodded to Tarmen.
She looked into the flames.

“Yet I believe him, for now at least, foolish as that may be. And in the end all I can do is to act to the best of my knowledge. And my belief.”

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