
Arcadia's southern coast

Draza, the Dauntless, ran with purpose towards her target. Although part of her wanted to test herself further against the two women, duty always came first.

She was here on a mission. To capture the Vauxian. The elders had been clear, nothing could stand in her way. After so many generations of exile to find one of their ancients enemies in this forsaken land was like one of her grandmother's old tall tales coming alive.

A Vaux and an Inquisitor travelling together to the city of Stone. Their scrying capabilities were not what they once were but they had watched with trepidation as more and more Helians had arrived on the continent's shores. Even when they made landfall in Sentinel they kept their distance, kept to the shadows.

But now the Inquisition was here. Salos and Mizar had always been the driving forces behind conquest and blood. And when they joined forces, worlds crumbled. They were already waging war a mere five years after settling in. Travelling up and through the heart of Arcadia demanding the land bend to their will.

And here he was in front of her, a child of her people's ancient enemy. Looking up at her, fear in his eyes. She could not know how powerful he was. How his skills had been trained and honed. But it didn't matter, she would not get too close.

Behind her the others rose from the ground and gave chase. To little, too late. A dozen paces from the man she tugged at the necklace around her neck, bound in leather, pulling it free. The Obsidian Pendant. It's red and black hues seem to catch the light even though the weather was grey and dreary.

"Catch..." She said in perfect Vauxian.

It was such a ridiculous movement and request in the middle of a battle that it caught the man completely off guard. His confused face could not make sense of it all. She was speaking his language?

Reflex memory took over and he brough his hands up, cupping them, as he caught the smooth stone instinctively. It felt like polished glass. He saw the woman smiling and his beloved Voah flying through the air, swinging her sword.

And than he was gone. And his captor with him...

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