Distrust Among Acquaintances

The more Wim spoke the more annoyed Islana was with him and when he was dismissive of her she had a strong urge to… she let that thought fall by the wayside because she knew she was better than that.

Jiyn addressed Wim and Islana nodded. What he said made sense.

Islana then spoke up, "Jiyn is correct. You said yourself you are considered untrustworthy. Why would anyone believe your vision unless you tell of what transpired with all of us? It would be too easy for that knowledge to leave your mouth under torture or if the price is high enough. No one asked you to ask such a question that would cost such a price. You did that of your own volition. We should not have to bear the cost of you possibly using the knowledge of what happened tonight because you decided to tell your secret."

Islana took a long breath but then spoke again, "I believe we need to all agree to not tell or none of us can agree to it. Besides, it is also true we have no way of knowing if the visions we were given are real."

Islana took a moment to look up at the distant stars in the winter night sky to refocus herself. The absolute distrust of Wym was something that ate at her core but he was noble so the young woman knew he was not to be trusted.

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