
Jp with Cindy, Bandorchu and Winteroak

Ostiarium: Suncross Plaza

Alexis raced to the shrine, only to find the place in a panic. With a sinking feeling in her stomach she worked herself through the panicked crowd.
Finally she found Islana holding a wounded - but alive, gods be thanked! - Jiyn and rushed over to them.

“Damnadh! What happened?”

Islana was incredibly grateful to see Alexis at that moment. "He was attacked from behind. A knife thrown into his shoulder." The young woman clearly trying her hardest to remain calm for Jiyn's sake but one look in her eyes showed she was upset because the man had gotten injured. "I stood up to try to shoot the attacker with my bow. A man with a dark cowl was standing in the doorway but people were trying to run and got in the way. It stopped him from throwing his other knife at me, he then fled."

Alexis gritted her teeth. She wanted to say more, but maybe not in the middle of this crowd while Jiyn lay bleeding on the ground.
“First things first. Let’s get you to Nicolaus. Man knows his way around a wound. Chac, I hope Gonyaul’s alright. Come on Jiyn, up you go.”
Alexis put Jiyn’s arm around her shoulder and put her own around his hip to support him. Carefully, she hoisted him up into a standing position.

Jyin was in pain. Terrible pain. The knife was lodged just below his shoulder. He felt the blood flowing freely down his back. He felt light headed and his body was getting cold. He allowed himself to be helped without much fuss.

Alexis felt the blood trickle down on her own arm.
“Islana, try press some cloth on the wound, so he doesn’t loose so much blood.”
She readjusted her grip, now almost carrying all of Jiyn’s weight, and sped up as much as she could.

Islana did the best she could to press some cloth on the wound. Fortunately, she could be fast when necessary, as sometimes hunting called for it, so she sped up along with Alexis.

It felt like an eternity to reach the apothecary, but in the end, they did.
Nicolaus, in his usual cool and collected manner, took Jiyn in his care without delay.
After warning him to watch his back, as well, Alexis turned to Islana with a dark expression.

“Zane knows of this cult. And he knew they would come for you, which is why I came looking for you. I’d say we are due for a little chat with him, don’t you think?

Islana watched as Jiyn was taken to the back. She was realizing how much her lack of training beyond her archery and what had kept her alive when she was alone in the woods was making her not as useful as she wished.

Her attention turned to Alexis, "Yes,"

Islana glanced once more towards the back, still worried about Jiyn. Then left with Alexis to speak with Zane.

With Jiyn in the expert care of Nicolaus, Alexis and Islana left the young man and made their way to the Keep. Alexis needed to make sure Islana was safe before going to look for Gonyaul.

As they both arrived at the Keep, the soldier saw the young man with his wrists bound, covered in mud, in the court yard surrounded by some city guards.
He looked disheveled and frustrated. Whatever he was trying to convey to the guards was being ignored.

Alexis approached the men and asked
"What is the meaning of this?!" Worried the young man had been attacked as well.

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